
BACEPOW Membership

The Bay Area Civilian Ex-Prisoners of War (BACEPOW) organization is dedicated to supporting and telling the story of all of these people who were captives of the Japanese. Though the organization was founded in the San Francisco area, its membership is now nation-wide, with members in several other countries. We welcome those who were civilian and military prisoners, their families and friends, and those who are interested in the history of the prison camps in East Asia. Our primary focus is on the prison camps in the Philippines, where most of our ex-POW members spent more than 3 years under the inhumane treatment of the Japanese occupying force.

Current Members

Annual dues are $15 for 2020. Please make check payable to BACEPOW.


    Current mailing address:

    E-mail address:

New Members

Annual dues are $15 for 2020. Please make check payable to BACEPOW. Besides the information above, please check the appropriate boxes below:


    Santo Tomás
    Los Baños
    Baguio/Old Bilibid
    Other _______________

Relative or descendant
Friend or other

Please print and mail this form, with your check, to:

    Ric Laurence
    120 Canal Street
    San Rafael, California 94901