There is a small collection of drawings by former STIC internee, Robert Grindley Southerton Jr., in the Hoover Institution Archives, in Palo Alto, California. I found them in a folder in the 37-box collection of materials donated by Roger Mansell.
In 2005, Robert’s daughter, Lorna Loveland, who has granted permission to post these items, wrote on Tom Moore’s website:
“My father’s name is Robert Grindley Southerton (RGS 2) . He was interned in Santo Tomás in the Philippines with his mother, Edith Southerton, when the harbour was bombed and the ship’s crew mutinied. They had been on holidays in Australia and were returning to Shanghai when war broke out. They only got as far as Hong Kong. My grandfather, whose name is also Robert Grindley Southerton, [had] sent his wife and my dad to Australia for safety and that was how they ended up in Santo Tomás.”
Robert was about 16-years-old when he made these drawings in 1942. In 1943, he and his mother were transferred back to China, to be reunited with the rest of their family at the Yu Yuen Road Camp, Shanghai. Robert died in 1980 in New South Wales, Australia.
Photo courtesy of Lorna Loveland.
Credit for making these available is courtesy of Lorna Loveland. Link to a longer article on the Southerton family. Click on any of the drawings to enlarge.